Dr. Steve Petruzza - Research Associate
WEB 4660supervisor Dr. Valerio Pascucci
I received my M.S. and B.E. in computer engineering and my Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. My research activity started in the defence industry working on network centric multi-sensor data analysis and General Purpose computing on GPUs. During my PhD, I joined the team of Prof. Valerio Pascucci at the SCI Institute and continued my research in high performance computing and large scale data analytics as a research scholar and later as a PostDoctoral fellow.
Current Responsibilities
I am working on large scale scientific analysis applications in several domain such as neuroscience, materials science, chemical and mechanical engineering.
Research Interests
My research has been focused on high-performance computing with applications on dynamic runtime system, parallel I/O, data streaming visualization and large scale data analytics such as topological feature extraction and distributed rendering.