Center for Integrative Biomedical Computing

The Center for Integrative Biomedical Computing (CIBC) is dedicated to producing open-source software tools for biomedical image-based modeling, biomedical simulation and estimation, and the visualization of biomedical data. The Center works closely with software users and collaborators in a range of scientific domains to produce user-optimized tools and provides advice, technical support, workshops, and education to enhance user success. Biological projects and collaborations drive our development efforts, all with a single unifying vision: to develop the role of image-based modeling and analysis in biomedical science and clinical practice.

CIBC Software Suite

News and Highlights

News and Highlights
Highlight SCI Head Model Now Available
The SCI Institute is excited to announce the release of the SCI Institute's female head and brain model data repository and pipeline. The dataset and corresponding publication can be found here.
News and Highlights
Highlight 3D Virtual Simulation Gets to the ‘Heart’ of Irregular Heartbeats
Researchers have successfully performed 3D personalized virtual simulations of the heart A 3-D virtual heart.
News and Highlights
Highlight Machine learning could improve how doctors diagnose heart attacks
Wilson Good, Brian ZengerArticle originally appears in VenturebeatYou're working in your house, going about your normal routine when suddenly the pain hits. Your chest starts to throb and your left arm begins to ache.