at the University of Utah

An internationally recognized leader in visualization, scientific computing, and image analysis

SCI Publications


S. Yau, K. Damevski, D. Zorin, V. Karamcheti, S.G. Parker. “Result Reuse in Design Space Exploration: A Study in System Support for Interactive Parallel Computing,” In Proceedings of the 22nd International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2008), Miami, Florida, pp. 1--12. 2008.

F. Zhang, E.R. Hancock, C. Goodlett, G. Gerig. “Probabilistic White Matter Fiber Tracking using, Particle Filtering and von Mises-Fisher Sampling,” In Medical Image Analysis (MedIA), pp. (in print). 2008.


G. Adluru, S.P. Awate, T. Tasdizen, R.T. Whitaker, E.V.R. DiBella. “Temporally Constrained Reconstruction of Dynamic Cardiac Perfusion MRI,” In Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Vol. 57, pp. 1027--1036. 2007.

G. Adluru, R.T. Whitaker, E.V.R. DiBella. “Spatio-Temporal Constrained Reconstruction of Sparse Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Radial MRI Data,” In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, pp. 109--112. 2007.

G. Adluru, E. Hsu, E.V.R. DiBella. “Constrained Reconstruction of Sparse Cardiac MR DTI Data,” In Proceedings of FIMH 2007, LNCS, No. 4466, pp. 91--99. 2007.

O. Alter. “Genomic Signal Processing: From Matrix Algebra to Genetic Networks,” In Microarray Data Analysis: Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 377, Edited by M.J. Korenberg, Humana Press, Totowa, pp. 17--59. 2007.
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-59745-390-5_2

E.W. Anderson, S.P. Callahan, C.E. Scheidegger, J.M. Schriener, C.T. Silva. “Hardware-Assisted Point-Based Volume Rendering of Tetrahedral Meshes,” In Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2007, pp. 163--170. 2007.

E.W. Anderson, G.A. Preston, C.T. Silva. “Towards Development of a Circuit Based Treatment for Impaired Memory: A Multidisciplinary Approach,” In Proceedings of IEEE EMBS Neural Engineering 2007, pp. 163--172. 2007.

A.E. Anderson, B.J. Ellis, J.A. Weiss. “Verification, Validation and Sensitivity Studies in Computational Biomechanics,” In Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 171--184. 2007.

E.W. Anderson, S.P. Callahan, D.A. Koop, E. Santos, C.E. Scheidegger, H.T. Vo, J. Freire, C.T. Silva. “VisTrails: Using Provenance to Streamline Data Exploration,” In Poster Proceedings of the International Workshop on Data Integration in the Life Sciences (DILS) 2007, Note: Poster presentation, 2007.

G.A. Ateshian, B.J. Ellis, J.A. Weiss. “Equivalence Between Short-Time Biphasic and Incompressible Elastic Material Response,” In Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol. 129, No. 3, pp. 405--412. 2007.

S. Awate, R.T. Whitaker. “Feature-Preserving MRI Denoising: A Nonparametric Empirical-Bayes Approach,” In IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Vol. 26, No. 9, pp. 1242--1255. 2007.

A.N. Bahadur, I.Q. Wu, D.M. Weinstein, M.D. Davis, D.A. Lewis, P. Kochunov, C. Keller. “Multimodality Chamber for Coregistered Anatomical and Molecular Imaging of Small Animals,” In Lab Animal, Vol. 36, No. 8, pp. 29--35. 2007.

L. Barbosa, J. Freire. “An Adaptive Crawler for Locating Hidden-Web Entry Points,” In Proceedings of the 16th international conference on World Wide Web (WWW), Banff, Alberta, Canada, pp. 441--450. May, 2007.

L. Barbosa, J. Freire. “Combining Classifiers to Identify Online Databases,” In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on World Wide Web (WWW), Banff, Alberta, Canada, pp. 431--440. May, 2007.

L. Barbosa, J. Freire, A. Silva. “Organizing Hidden-Web Databases by Clustering Visible Web Documents,” In Proceedings of the IEEE 23rd International Conference on Data Engineering, 2007. (ICDE 2007), Istanbul, pp. 326--335. 2007.

L. Barbosa, S. Tandon, J. Freire. “Automatically Constructing a Directory of Molecular Biology Databases,” In Data Integration in the Life Sciences, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 4544/2007, pp. 6--16. 2007.
ISBN: 978-3-540-73254-9

L. Bavoil, S.P. Callahan, A. Lefohn, J.L.D. Comba, C.T. Silva. “Multi-Fragment Effects on the GPU using the k-Buffer,” In ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (i3D), pp. 97--104. 2007.

M.K. Belmonte, J.C. Mazziotta, N.J. Minshew, A.C. Evans, E. Courchesne, S.R. Dager, S.Y. Bookheimer, E.H. Aylward, D.G. Amaral, R.M. Cantor, D.C. Chugani, A.M. Dale, C. Davatzikos, G. Gerig, M.R. Herbert, J.E. Lainhart, D.G. Murphy, J. Piven, A.L. Reiss, R.T. Schultz, T.A. Zeffiro, S. Levi-Pearl, C. Lajonchere, S.A. Colamarino. “Offering to Share: How to Put Heads Together in Autism Neuroimaging,” In Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders JADD, Vol. 38, pp. 2--13. 2007.

C. Benthin, S. Boulos, D. Lacewell, I. Wald. “Packet-based Ray Tracing of Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surfaces,” SCI Institute Technical Report, No. UUSCI-2007-011, University of Utah, 2007.