at the University of Utah

An internationally recognized leader in visualization, scientific computing, and image analysis

SCI Publications


P.A. Sleigh, P.H. Gaskell, M. Berzins, J.M. Ware, N.G. Wright. “A Reliable and Accurate Technique for the Modelling of Practically Occurring Open Channel Flow,” In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Numerical Methods in Laminar and Turbulent Flow, Pineridge Press, pp. 881--892. 1995.

W. Speares, M. Berzins. “A Fast 3-D Unstructured Mesh Adaptation Algorithm with Time-Dependent Upwind Euler Shock Diffraction Calculations,” In Proc. of 6th International Symposium on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 3, Edited by M. Hafez and K. Oshima, pp. 1181--1188. 1995.

W. Speares, M. Berzins. “A 3D Unstructured Mesh Adaption Algorithm for Time Dependent Shock Dominated Problems,” School of Computer Studies Research Report, No. 95.33, University of Leeds, 1995.

A. Tomlin, J.M. Ware, J. Smith, M. Berzins, M.J. Pilling. “Efficient High Resolution Methods for Air Pollution Models,” In International Conference on Air Pollution - Proceedings, Vol. 1, Computational Mechanics Inc, pp. 201--208. 1995.

R. Troutman, C.D. Hansen. “Binary-Swap Shear-Warp Volume Renderer on the T3D,” In Cray Users Group Conference, Fairbanks, Ak., pp. 93--102. September, 1995.

W.B. Tung, C.D. Hansen, D.R. Jones, W.H. Chen, H.A. Al-Sunaidi. “Development of an Interactive Reservoir Simulation and Visualization System for a Massively Parallel Processor,” In 5th ARCHIE Conference: Visualization Technology to Find and Develop more Oil and Gas, The Woodlands, Texas, Note: Refereed abstract., pp. 105--107. May, 1995.

C. Walshaw, M. Berzins. “Dynamic Load-Balancing For PDE Solvers On Adaptive Unstructured Meshes,” In Concurrency, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 17--28. 1995.

C. Walshaw, M. Berzins. “Adaptive Time-dependent CFD on Distributed Unstructured Meshes,” In Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics: New Trends and Advances, Elsevier Science, pp. 191--198. 1995.

J.M. Ware, M. Berzins. “Adaptive Finite Volume Methods for Time-dependent P.D.E.s.,” In Modeling, Mesh Generation and Adaptive Numerical Methods for PDEs., IMA Volumes in Mathematics and Its Applications Series, Vol. 75, Springer Verlag, pp. 417--430. 1995.

D.M. Weinstein, C.R. Johnson, J.A. Schmidt. “Effects of Adaptive Refinement on the Inverse EEG Solution,” In SPIE, In Experimental and Numerical Methods for Solving Ill-Posed Inverse Problems, Vol. 2570, SPIE, pp. 2--11. 1995.

D.M. Weinstein, C.R. Johnson. “Hierarchical Data Structures for Interactive Volume Visualization,” School of Computing Technical Report, No. UUCS-95-012, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 1995.

R.T. Whitaker. “Algorithms for Implicit Deformable Models,” In Fifth International Conference on Computer Vision'95, pp. 822--827. 1995.


S. Adelson, C.D. Hansen. “Fast Stereoscopic Images with Ray-Traced Volume Rendering,” In Symposium on Volume Visualization, Washington, DC., pp. 3--9. October, 1994.

M. Berzins, J.M. Ware. “Reliable Finite Volume Methods for the Navier Stokes Equations.,” In Numerical methods for the Navier-Stokes equations, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, No. 47, Edited by F.K. Hebeker and R. Rannacher and G. Wittum, Springer, pp. 1-8. 1994.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-663-14007-8_1

C.S. Gitlin, C.R. Johnson. “Techniques for Visualizing 3D Unstructured Meshes,” School of Computing Technical Report, No. UUCS-94-018, University of Utah, 1994.

C.D. Hansen T.Crockett, S. Whitman. “Parallel Rendering,” In IEEE Parallel and Distributed Technology, Vol. 2, No. 2, Note: Guest editors' introduction, pp. 7. Summer, 1994.

C.S. Henriquez, C.R. Johnson, K.A. Henneberg, L.J. Leon, A.E. Pollard.. “Large Scale Biomedical Modeling and Simulation: From Concepts to Results,” In Frontiers in Biomedical Computing, Edited by N. Thakor, IEEE Press, Philadelphia 1994.

C.R. Johnson, S.G. Parker. “A Computational Steering Model Applied to Problems in Medicine,” In Supercomputing 94, IEEE Press, pp. 540--549. 1994.

C.R. Johnson, P. Alfeld. “Computational Engineering and Science at the University of Utah,” In IEEE Computational Science and Engineering, pp. 7--9. 1994.

K.L. Ma, J. Painter, C.D. Hansen, M. Krogh. “Parallel Volume Rendering Using Binary-Swap Compositing,” In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 59--68. 1994.