SCI Publications
P.M. Dew, T.F. Buckley, M. Berzins.
Application of VLSI Devices to Computational Problems in the Gas Industry, Dept. of Computer Studies Technical Report, No. 163, The University of Leeds, 1983.
T.C. Henderson, C.D. Hansen, E. Shilcrat, W.S. Fai.
Logical Sensor Specification, In SPIE Conference on Intelligent Robots, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Note: refereed abstract., pp. 578--583. November, 1983.
M. Berzins, P.M. Dew.
A Generalized Chebyshev Method for Non-linear Parabolic Equations in One Space Variable, In I.M.A. Journal on Numerical Analysis, Vol. 1, pp. 469--487. 1981.
M. Berzins, P.M. Dew.
A note on the extension of the Chebyshev method to quasi-linear parabolic P.D.E.s., In International Journal on Computer Mathematics, Vol. 8, pp. 249--263. 1980.
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